FlexLab™ now connected with Capillarys 3 TERA TLA Analyzer
Capillary electrophoresis is now part of FlexLab™, the Inpeco solution for Total Laboratory Automation.

Sebia, the world leader in capillary electrophoresis, and Inpeco have defined an agreement to develop a connection between the Capillarys 3 TERA TLA, which is part of the family of new analyzers recently introduced, and Inpeco automation.The Capillarys 3 TERA TLA is designed to allow an easy interaction with an automation system, thanks to its capability of sampling directly from a tube over the track, in maintaining the original throughput of the analyzer. In addition an advanced integration of software protocols for both routing and results processing will ensure keeping the entire process under control, from receiving sample and working list to the return of validated results. The on-going consolidation of clinical labs, with the consequent steady increase of volumes, make the need for automation more than an option for many labs which can free resources for more added value tasks.This project allows now capillary electrophoresis to be part of Total Laboratory Automation solution, in limiting the manual interventions to the only loading of samples, with all subsequent activities being operated in a fully automated and traceable way.