Post-analytical Modules
The tube’s journey continues
FlexLabTM has a wide range of automated tools for managing routine post-analytical activities with customizable, scalable storage solutions (from 9,000 to 500,000 tubes).

Recapper Module (RCM)
Mounts screw caps on secondary tubes produced by the Aliquoter. Maintains the samples physical-chemical properties in case of storing or delivering to other sites. Throughput: up to 400 tubes per hour.

Pressure Recapper Module (PRM)
Caps secondary tubes using push caps, preparing them for further processing. Throughput: up to 600 tubes per hour.

Sealer Module (SM)
Automates the sealing of plastic sample tubes after analytical processing, to prepare tubes for storage and for possible future re-use. Throughput: up to 800 tubes per hour.

Storage and Retrieval Module (SRM)
Completely traceable sample storage in a temperature-controlled environment for back-up and further analyses. Configurable time interval for sample disposal. Throughput: up to 800 tubes per hour.

High Volume Storage (HVS)
Refrigerated and scalable storage system (90,000 to 350,000 tube capacity) allowing automatic sample recovery. Throughput of up to 7,200 t/h (input), 500 t/h (retrieval), 2,800 t/h (disposal).