Meet our Business Development Manager for Anatomical Pathology, Marco Bellini

On February 1, 2021, Marco Bellini joined Inpeco as Business Development Manager for Anatomical Pathology. He started his professional career in an electronics company and then joined a laboratory instrumentation manufacturing company as quality controller. A few years later, he moved into the pathology laboratory instrumentation field, becoming Sales Manager and then General Manager.
Today, the diagnostic pathway of a histological specimen is subject to several processes, often manual, performed in the pathology laboratory. This long and tangled working path is neither supported by a complete process automation, nor by a traceability of the sample from the point of collection. Having pioneered and advanced Total Laboratory Automation in clinical laboratories over the past 25 years, Inpeco plans to soon introduce automation solutions to support the diagnostic process using histological samples, starting from the medical prescription through collection, transportation, processing and final archiving to cover full traceability.
1. Hello Marco, first and foremost, why did you choose to join Inpeco?
I got to know Inpeco and its management a few years ago, when at my previous company we started the process of integrating the laboratory units in the AP automation project launched by Inpeco. Since then, I have been impressed by the technical skills and spirit of innovation in facing complex challenges of this company.
2. What are your impressions after the first 100 days at Inpeco? And what do you enjoy the most?
I have found in Inpeco great openness and a real passion and dedication from everyone, participating to the challenge of automating the path of the histological sample.
The product development team is already well advanced in developing the first automation solution, so I’m lucky to dedicate myself to the development of Inpeco’s business in this new market. This multidisciplinary approach is the part that I like the most and that I have always pursued with passion in my career.
3. In your point of view, which key developments will most likely impact the future of Anatomical Pathology?
Anatomical Pathology, for several years now, is evolving and transforming from a diagnostic specialty with a one-way path, to a specialty that integrates with other diagnostic disciplines, such as molecular biology and digital imaging, becoming increasingly crucial in the successful diagnosis and therefore treatment of complex diseases.
In this context, it is fundamental to have full control of all the diagnostic steps of the biological sample, from the point of collection until its storage in the biorepository, to improve standardization and eliminate variables that may affect diagnosis.
In addition to this complexity of management, there is a chronic worldwide shortage of experienced laboratory technicians and pathologists, so it will be vital for anatomical pathology laboratories to rely on new technologies such as automation of the entire process, including traceability from start to finish, and the digitization of diagnostic data.
4. And where do you see the biggest opportunities for Inpeco to add value to Anatomical Pathology labs?
Inpeco is mainly known as the market leader in Total Laboratory Automation, with a strong experience in software development and process analysis. This knowledge gained mainly in the clinical labs, can be brought into the Anatomical Pathology laboratories, applying it to the histological specimens, which have very peculiar requirements and needs. We can safely assert that Inpeco can duplicate what has been done for more than 2.300 Clinical Labs all around the world, now for the Pathology Lab.
5. What are your passions outside the working hours?
I traveled a lot for my job, and I hope, like all of us, to be able to get back to traveling very soon. Now my spare time is dedicated to my family. We are all passionate about hiking and mountain sports in general. I also like running and reading books, especially historical novels.
Are you interested to discover a bit more about the new Anatomy Pathology automation from Inpeco?