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Case studies
November 15, 2022
1 Min Read

Revolutionizing Lab Processes: A ProTube™ Case Study at Hospital Clinic of Barcelona

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona is one of the main public suppliers of specialized health services in the city of Barcelona, with a long tradition of research which is internationally recognized. CDB partnered with Inpeco to renovate their sample collection center with the implementation of ProTube™: the compact automation and traceability solution designed to mitigate pre-pre-analytical errors by guiding phlebotomists through every step of the specimen collection process.

The implementation of ProTube™ has fully installed 24 units in the sample collection center and 2 units in the external maternity department. ProTube™ has reduced Total Turnaround Time (ToTAT) significantly. Further it optimized the entire process from patient arrival at the collection center to tube delivery to the core lab.

The installation of the ProTube solution represents an important step in the continuous innovation process of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. It allows us to improve the laboratory workflow, reducing the response time and improving the overall analytical quality “.

– Dr. Josep Lluís Bedini, CDB Core Lab Director.

Inpeco and CDB worked seamlessly as a team to quantify key project requirements and expectations, design solutions, and subsequent implementation. That level of teamwork was critical to achieving success. In just few months the project went from vision to reality.

CDB is now expanding the use of ProTube™ to other hospital wards and foresees implementing full traceability also for specimen collection in anatomical pathology.